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Fall AP Registration Information

Fall AP Registration Information

Fall AP Registration


The Fall AP Registration has begun! Please complete the steps below to register and pay for your Fall AP Exam(s) by Wednesday, November 6, 2024. 

After November 6th, there is a $43.00 late fee/per exam from College Board. Please register by November 6th to avoid the late fee! If you need a fee waiver, please stop by the Counseling Office to obtain one BEFORE you pay your exam. 

Step by Step To Do List 

1. Register with College Board :

           - please use a NON SJUSD email

2. Enroll in your AP class in College Board

            - Students get their AP Join Code from their AP teacher

3. Pay for your AP Exam ($105/per exam) 

     There are two ways to pay for your AP Exam  

  1. By Credit Card through GoFan (see attached Step-by-Step document with QR code/link to access GoFan)

  2. By CASH at the Finance Office (exact change appreciated)       



-Accurate registration is the sole responsibility of the student/family

-If you decide to NOT take the exam, please email Ms. Ashwell at:

-If you wish to cancel an exam, you must email Ms. Ashwell at:

-Please allow 4-6 weeks for refunds 

 Please email Ms. Ashwell with any questions: